Wednesday 21 March 2012

Targets 6!

Out of last weeks targets, I have managed to complete them all, with the exception of re-watching Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. Unfortunately, I have so far been unable to get to a scanner so show my scamps for either project. I think now I shall have to wait until Friday before I can show what I have done. I have, as you can see from my previous posts, began my research for the Little White Lies brief by researching the 2 graphics designers, Matt Gondek and Olly Moss. While they have both been great sources of inspiration, I believe more research into graphics designers that have worked in designing posters will benefit me further.

My targets for this week therefore include:
  • Scanning in my inital scamps for both projects which can be completed by friday
  • Developing my initial ideas for the Newcastle Medical Photography brief, this will involve more work in my sketch book as well as some work in Illustrator
  • Researching atleast 1 more artist for my Little White Lies brief

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