Tuesday 5 March 2013

What makes a good portfolio?

My final module for the year (excluding PPD which is this blog and Work Based Learning which is the documentation of every detail for placements and live briefs) I am tasked with producing my final portfolio. This portfolio is something I will be using for my up coming interview for my Creative Practice Top-up year, my final show and finally interviews for jobs. My portfolio will act as a display for all of my best work, showing what it is I am capable of, as well as my style of work. I will cover the range of skills I possess, and explain how each piece was a success.
To begin this module, I was given a research task, to look at what it is that makes a good portfolio. I needed to look at examples of portfolios, evaluate them and compile a list of sorts giving tips for the construction of my own portfolio.
Upon completing my research, I was surprised to find the creativity undertaken in the presentation of an individual work. A portfolio is not just a matter of printing out your best work nice and big, on high quality paper, the way you go about presenting each piece further displays your style of work and the skills you possess. One tip I found particularly insightful was that your portfolio should have a strong start, to blow away anyone looking at your portfolio and a strong finish so that they are not leaving your portfolio seeing the worst work that was in there.
From here, I will begin working on a new, self directed project in order to flesh out my portfolio, I will constantly be keeping my mind the tips I have researched, as well as constantly thinking about ways in which to present my work.

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