Tuesday 19 March 2013

Portfolio for interview

After much deliberation and work hunting, I was able to create my first draft of my portfolio for my interview on Friday. While my portfolio is by no means as creative as some of the portfolios I have researched, I feel the clear presentation of my best pieces of work is more then suitable for this interview.
As my research suggested, I added some small piece of text just to give each piece some slight context. Without it, the viewer has no reason to think that this piece is going to job it was designed for.

There are some parts of my portfolio that are more developed then others. The Family Explorers work for example, I found that the pages looked far to blank with the logo being as simple as it is, and so, I created and added the background to those pages, constructed using the logo itself. I also, for my Little White Lies piece, created a page showing my creative process throughout that project. I also, as requested, provided my CV, which, once I explain the D&AD project, should hopefully look impressive, putting my ideas into practice.

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