Monday 29 April 2013

Computer Arts

Today I bought myself 4 editions of Computer Arts magazines so that I can continue to educate myself and learn new skills in design over the course of the summer. Each month Computer Arts brings out new issues for designers to inform and inspire them in different areas of graphic design. Each edition holds a wealth of creative knowledge, whether it be for design ideas, skills to be learned in Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign or other creative programs as well as advice from people in industry.

When deciding which editions to purchase, I thought it wiser to split my interests. My reasoning behind purchasing the Graphic Design and Illustration editions was so that I may further educate myself in the areas I am more interested in, where as my decision to purchase the Typography and Self-Promo Handbook editions was focused on educating myself in areas of design I am weaker in or simply do not know a great deal about.
My hope is that, with the help of these magazines, I will return to education for my third year as an all round stronger designer.

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