Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Targets 12!

Over the last week I have successfully decided upon my mdeia of choice for when I created my final portraits and I believe I have chosen two layout designs that I will take forward for my final pieces. First of all, deciding which media I should use for my portraits...
Scan 10Scan 11
Scan 12Scan 13
The two illustrations on the left are my attempts at using fine liner, and the two on the right, biro. While I was once reasonably skilled when it came to using pencil, I felt strongly that it just would not work for this project, once the image was scanned in, the tone just would not be varied enough with my skill with pencil. Beginning with the top left, I used fine liner to create an illustration of George Smiley, and found it to be a success. Thankfully after having not really drawn portraits since June 2011, I had not lost most of my capabilites. I found that the tone fine liner allowed me to create was beyond what I had hoped. There was however a downside, when it came to drawing the very dark areas such as the glove and his right eye, a lot of time was consumed. This is the major draw back to using the fine liner, dark areas take far to long to complete and the tip of the pen covers such a small area, hence I did not finish the image, not only were my pens being ruined, but I felt that the illustration had served its purpose. I then created the image in the top left using biro. As you can see I completed far less of this illustration. This is because I found biro to be a failure in comparison to the fine liner I had just used. I could not create the dark that I had achieved with the finer liner, whether it was down to the paper I was using or the quality of the pen, I was unsure, but fine liner seemed to work so well that I felt it was unnecessary to investigate other options. One thing I had noticed was that I very much liked the way the outline of the portrait looked when I was using the biro and so I decided, after another fine liner illustration, that I would use biro again to see if simply creating the outline of the characters would be enough...as it turns out it wasnt, while I do like the way the illustration looks on the bottom right, it is no where near as promising and the fine liner was and simply was not suitable for this project.
Scan 14Scan 15
Scan 16Scan 17
I then moved onto creating larger version of my best layout ideas to see which would be the most suitable. While I do like them all, I decided that the most promising ideas were the two top ideas. One being the idea of just having one charcter on the cover, keeping in line with the modern Little White Lies covers. The second idea is that of having four charcters form the shape of one portrait. In detail this idea will have the characters dubbed Tinker, Tailor, Soldier and Spy split into quarters, seperated by broken glass but organised in a way that they take the shape of one portrait. I chose these two ideas as not only are they the two most drastically different ideas, but because they both have the most potential. The first will allow me to create a greatly detailed illustrative piece and the second will be greatly eye catching due to the broken glass idea.

Now that I know what my final piece will look like, the next step for me is to begen creating them, starting with, the final illustrations using fine liner. This task will take quite along time to complete and so because of this, I am making the completion of the 5 character portraits my only target for this week.

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