Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Final Piece No.1

As you can see, I have successfully completed the first of my magazine covers for Little White Lies magazine. Fortunately for me, I was able to create this piece using only a few of the tools available to me on Photoshop.
Begin the process I simply opened up the document I was provided with by D&AD in Photoshop, this gave me the Little White Lies logo where they wanted it to be as well as the correct sized document. I then opened up the scanned image of my illustration into Photoshop and moved it across to this document. Using the Burn Tool, I made all of the dark parts to the image slightly darker, including the hair and glasses. Then the only real change I made to the image was to add a filter to it, in this case I used the filter named Cutout, messed around with the options and created the image you can see above. I then scaled the image leaving some bleed. Finally, I edited one of the fonts I had already made for the magazine and placed it where I found most suitable.
I feel this piece shows some great progress on my behalf. I have managed to create a piece that I am pleased with using illustrations which I have previously been unable to integrate into other projects. I think another point to mention is that the moving from the comfort I am used to in Illustrator into the uncertainty of Photoshop shows development of my confidence and skills. While you could argue that my lack of skill in Photoshop halted the potential that this piece has, I am without a doubt aware that Photoshop is where I needed to put in the most practice in order to learn the ins and outs.

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