Friday, 11 May 2012

Cover Titles!

Using two different methods, I have successfully created two different titles for my magazine covers.
Starting with the top, I created that font by simply using the pen tool. First of all I created the the actual words without the 3D effect using the pen tool, copying any letter I had already created as I went along. Then, it was simply a matter of creating a 45 degree line at the length I wished and copying it all around one version of each letter. I then created a new layer and used the pen tool to make shapes around the edges of the letter using the 45 degree lines to tell me where to stop.
The second font was far more interesting to create, using the Pathfinder tool. To begin with I typed out the title. Then I placed different rectangle shapes and circle shapes across the title. Then selecting a rectangle/circle and the letter it was covering, I used the 'Divide' button in the Pathfinder option window. What this does is it creates new shapes where the two objects over lap for example, the T in Tinker was made by placing a rectangle over the top half of the T, then when I pressed divide, the rectangle with some missing bits became a new shapeand the top and bottom halves of the T became individual shapes. I then just deleted the rectanglular shape, and used the arrow keys to move the top half to the left and down slightly. Doing actions similar to this allowed me to create the title you can see above.
These two titles are intended for the single portrait idea and the broken glass idea repectively, though one concern I have is that the second title might make the broken glass cover look somewhat busy and messy. If this transpires to be the case then I see no issue really in swapping their placements, I dont think either will look to much out of place on the other cover.

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