Monday 26 November 2012

Work Placement-The Point Design

I have now finished my three week work placement at The Point Design and I have to say, it has been a very educational and insightful experience. First and foremost, I learned a great deal about the way the industry works within a company, how everyone collaborates on ideas and produce individual elements, bringing them together to create the final piece and how clients are handled, with much back and forth between client and designer.
I also learned some useful techniques within Photoshop, such as how to cut out images using the pen tool and how everything needs to be saved in terms of file sizes for the benefit of the client. I also had a lot of time to work on a branding brief for a company called Harbour House, all of which will contribute greatly to my Alternative Techniques university brief.
Overall I would say that my time spent on placement has provided me with invaluable knowledge about the world of industry and has helped prepare me for a future in graphic design.

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