Tuesday 6 November 2012

Alternative Techniques-Research

My work placement at The Point Design will be consisting mostly of Branding work, as such, like any other university project, in preparation for my placement work and work for this brief once the placement is over, I began conducting research into branding.
As part of this brief, it was important that we complete a SWOT analysis and list 4/5 skills that we wish to improve within the are of graphic design we have chosen.
I then created style sheets for research into different modern trends in branding, looking into negative space, clean and simple, traditional style logos and logos that use shape. I was very important for me to complete this research, rather then my usual format of having a base idea and researching into that area, I researched into modern trends to form a base idea. This will refine my creativity into ideas that are more suited to today's interests.
Once I was familiar with the modern trends circulating around branding, I thought it would be best to research into different design styles, artists that work in branding and brands that I find visually appealing to help generate future ideas.
I found this batch of research particularly useful as I feel I delved much deeper into the area of graphic design I will be working in then I normally do, especially when it comes to what is popular right now in these areas.

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