For the final part of my research I felt it was necessary to look at the previous Little White Lies magazine covers in some more detail. This has proven to be invaluable as I noticed one trend that most of the previous editions seemed to follow. It would seem that most of the covers use only one character from the film that they represent as the content of the cover. This discovery works directly against the previous idea I was pushing, of having all four characters on the front cover, those that have the nickname of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier and Spy. I now realise that I should perhaps simply focus on one crucial character for the front cover, possibly the character of George Smiley (played by Gary Oldman) as he appears to be the characters seen on poster and the like. One other important factor I realised about the covers is that, despite the Little White Lies logo being in the unusual place that it is, it does not appear to be an issue. This is because, all the more recent editions seem to place the portraits as though the logo is not even there, so the portraits are just placed suitably on the page with the logo happily overlapping some of the portrait. This has given my much less to worry about in terms of my layout if the logo can be treated as though it is not even there rather then treated as an obstical I must work around. The final aspect I noticed about the Little White Lies covers is that the colours they use have a clear relation to the film, such as the yellow for the Sin City cover. In the case of Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy however, colour does not play a major part in the film, but instead, what I feel I should do, is perhaps use dark and dull colours to closer represent the dark and subtle themes of the film. Looking at the Little White Lies magazine covers in more detail has, without a doubt, given me the most inspiration, and new insight into how I should develop my ideas, namely, focusing on one portrait rather then four.

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