Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Targets 4!

My target for this week is to produce a final design for my brand. I have so far designed a few ideas in my sketch book and have developed 1 on Illustrator using a graphics tablet. I am so far, unhappy with the ideas I have developed, I feel that I am yet to produce one idea that stands out for me, and so I will continue to work and produce ideas ready to present on friday.


The first step I have taken in the attempt to create a brand for myself has included researching some logos and ideograms by other artists. There are some common features that recur thought a lot of the logo I came across. First of all, a lack of colour appears to be quite a popular trait, as you can clearly see from all the above logos. In most cases this gives the logo a cleaner crisper appearance, where as in other cases it seems to be the only option as colour would simply ruin it.
Another feature I noticed, particularly from the Matt Gondek ideogram in the middle, is that often, the logo helps to show the style of the artist. Matt Gondeks' work for instance tends to look very sketchy, hand rendered and focuses heavily on wrinkles and creases. This is something I would like to replicate in my brand logo.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Project 3-Ministry of Sound Poster

At the beginning of this project, we were given a choice between designing posters for the Ministry of Sound 'Saturday Sessions' or designing a spread for the Typographic Circle. As you can see, I chose the former. My reasoning was that the Ministry brief would offer much greater freedom in terms of imagery whereas the Typographic brief would be more focused on layouts. As you can see from my previous posts I have attempted to vary my creative methods using tutorials and graphic tablets. Due to this diversity of ideas I feel I have produced reasonably final pieces that matches this brief in most respects. I say most as I did not stick to the provided colour palette, I simply felt that the colours chosen were not ideal for the poster designs, for example the purple provided was far to dark which I felt did not coincide with the Ministry of Sound vibe.
My idea of the separated logo is the center piece of these posters. This was one of my most original ideas for this project, the intention was to split the logo up so that it was still recognisable on the individual posters, but would conjoin to create the complete logo if the posters were presented together. I successfully manages to create this effect as well as chance the colour scheme per poster to, what I felt was the most sensible options. I felt, keeping this element consistent throughout the posters I was able to signify them as a series, which was part of the brief. One element of these posters which only came about towards the end of the project was to include a bold, defined to pronounce the month the poster is representing. This was another part of the posters which remained consistent throughout, only  the colours of the fill and outline changed slightly to best fit the individual posters. One other, less noticeable feature I added towards the end of the project was the date headings on the posters. While subtle, I find this feature really helps to the consistency of the posters. My strengths for this project I feel lie in the creativity each poster contains, the way the draw in your eyes, and in terms of colours chosen. My weaknesses I feel lie in layout, I am not 100% happy with the layout of my posters, I feel, on review, that I may have focused to heavily on the imagery and making that stand out that the text is lost slightly.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Targets 3!

From my targets last week, I managed to create a logo for the Saturday Sessions, but rather then use a pre-made font, I just experimented in my sketch book with fonts, scanned in my chosen idea, used the Pen Tool to create it then alter it in 3 different ways, 1 for each poster.

Saturday Sessions logo 1
Saturday Sessions logo 2
Saturday Sessions logo 3
Unfortunately, I have yet to choose a final font for the large body of text on my poster, Helvetica is an obvious choice, but I feel I will have to experiment further to find a more interesting and perhaps more suitable font.

My targets for this week will include, finding a font for my body of text, creating the actual composition for my posters and finally, print and mount my posters.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Speakers (Project 3)

Using the help of 2 tutorials I found on google, I have managed to create a set of speakers which I will use to make a collage on another one of my poster designs for the Ministry of Sound. Together these tutorials have helped me to create the speakers I had in mind when I had my idea. The detail in the wood and speakers will look excellent when printed on an A2 poster as it will be much more visible then it is now.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Targets 2!

I successfully managed to augment the Ministry of Sound logo to make it look titled back and 3D. This was very simple to do, I simply flattened the image using the re sizing boxes, then I used the pen tool to create the 3D effect, of course afterwards I was informed I could have simply used the Bevel tool.

Edited Ministry logo
I have also decided on the imagery that will be placed on each poster, one will have 3 birds over lapping, another will have a collage of old wooden amplifiers and the last will have several tentacles invading the poster. So far though I have only managed to construct the 3 birds.
Bird 1Bird 2
Bird 3
My next set of targets then will be to choose a font for both the Saturday Sessions logo and the text for the dates. I will make this decision after some experimenting in my sketch book and researching some fonts that may arguably be suitable.